Number Recognition and Literacy Work Stations

 I can hardly believe we are almost finished our first month of school...and that it's FALL!

Here's what we've been up to this week in class:

Number Recognition and Counting Activities for Kindergarten
Term one's expectation is to recognize numbers to 5...but since I had seven students at school, why not let everyone have one & practice to seven!?
Number Recognition and Counting Activities for Kindergarten
I handed out number cards at random to each student, then had them organize their numbers on the pocket chart in order.
Number Recognition and Counting Activities for Kindergarten
I also had them arrange their numbers from highest to lowest. And to make it more challenging, I called out random numbers and they put their number on the chart if they had it.

{It was super easy for everyone, so next time I'll give them two cards each and go up to 14...shhh!}
Number Recognition and Counting Activities for Kindergarten
The number cards have been updated since this post, and can be found {here}.

The three stations my students are rotating through this week are:

Number Recognition and Counting Activities for Kindergarten
First, they had to lay out alphabet flashcards all over the carpet area.
Number Recognition and Counting Activities for Kindergarten
Then, they stood at the edge of the carpet and tried to toss the letter beanbag onto its matching flashcard. They had a blast!

The book we are doing this week is about Nursery Rhymes, and is a perfect one to wrap up our Nursery Rhyme unit. It is from Hubbard's Cupboard {here}.
Word Work and Sight Word Activities for Kindergarten
The sentences begin with "This is" & then state which Nursery Rhyme.
Word Work and Sight Word Activities for Kindergarten

Word Work and Sight Word Activities for Kindergarten 
They highlight the new sight words for the week in their booklets.
Word Work and Sight Word Activities for Kindergarten 
The sight words go onto our High Five chart, which is located beside our classroom door.
Every time they leave the classroom, they 'high five' the words as they read them, for extra practice {and fun!}
Word Work and Sight Word Activities for Kindergarten

Find the updated High Five! chart {here}

Students listen to a story, then fill in a page to show what their favorite part of the story was, as well as if they liked the book.
Word Work and Sight Word Activities for Kindergarten
I am so excited about the new alphabet posters I have displayed in my classroom.
They took awhile to create, but it was fun, and I LOVE how they turned out!
crazy for chevron!

Yes, I realize that was FIVE pictures of my alphabet.
Sorry about that. I told you I love it!
(Find the updated set below!)


  1. The class looks great Anita!!! Miss working with ya!♥

  2. Your blog is amazing. Congratulations on your wonderful work.

  3. SEVEN STUDENTS!!!??? Enjoy :) I am sporting 23 this year. Class size is usually closer to 18. It is amazing the difference 5 little ones can make in so many ways. Thanks for sharing so many great ideas on your blog. It is wonderful to see what a fellow Canadian is doing in her classroom.


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