Mystery Bags!

A fun phonics letter sounds literacy activity for the whole class! Students try to guess what is in the Mystery Bag, based on the letter's sound. An engaging and exciting activity that promotes letter sound learning in Kindergarten. #phonics #mysterybags #kindergarten #literacy #alphabet #lettersounds #kindergartenactivities
Now that GTKY is over {here}, we are on to
Mystery Bags class activity and book where students guess what is in the bag based on the letter sound it starts with for Kindergarten and First Grade
I sent home a paper bag with a note explaining the activity:
A fun phonics letter sounds literacy activity for the whole class! Students try to guess what is in the Mystery Bag, based on the letter's sound. An engaging and exciting activity that promotes letter sound learning in Kindergarten. #phonics #mysterybags #kindergarten #literacy #alphabet #lettersounds #kindergartenactivities
(there are various options)
This is a FUN class activity that reinforces letter sounds.

One person per day presents their Mystery Bag to the class.

Today we had our first presenter...this cutie's first name starts with letter "C". 
A fun phonics letter sounds literacy activity for the whole class! Students try to guess what is in the Mystery Bag, based on the letter's sound. An engaging and exciting activity that promotes letter sound learning in Kindergarten. #phonics #mysterybags #kindergarten #literacy #alphabet #lettersounds #kindergartenactivities
She brought a secret item in the paper bag that begins with the first letter of her first name.

The rest of the class tried to guess what was in her Mystery Bag.
A fun phonics letter sounds literacy activity for the whole class! Students try to guess what is in the Mystery Bag, based on the letter's sound. An engaging and exciting activity that promotes letter sound learning in Kindergarten. #phonics #mysterybags #kindergarten #literacy #alphabet #lettersounds #kindergartenactivities

Eventually they guessed it....
A fun phonics letter sounds literacy activity for the whole class! Students try to guess what is in the Mystery Bag, based on the letter's sound. An engaging and exciting activity that promotes letter sound learning in Kindergarten. #phonics #mysterybags #kindergarten #literacy #alphabet #lettersounds #kindergartenactivities
A fun phonics letter sounds literacy activity for the whole class! Students try to guess what is in the Mystery Bag, based on the letter's sound. An engaging and exciting activity that promotes letter sound learning in Kindergarten. #phonics #mysterybags #kindergarten #literacy #alphabet #lettersounds #kindergartenactivities
Which she generously shared with the whole class :)

Then she completed a booklet page, with the letter C on top. It tells what she brought, and includes an illustration.
{I forgot to take a picture of her completed sheet...dang!}
A fun phonics letter sounds literacy activity for the whole class! Students try to guess what is in the Mystery Bag, based on the letter's sound. An engaging and exciting activity that promotes letter sound learning in Kindergarten. #phonics #mysterybags #kindergarten #literacy #alphabet #lettersounds #kindergartenactivities
When the whole class has had their turn, all of the pages will be assembled into a class book, which will be placed in the classroom library.

{It will be popular!}

A fun phonics letter sounds literacy activity for the whole class! Students try to guess what is in the Mystery Bag, based on the letter's sound. An engaging and exciting activity that promotes letter sound learning in Kindergarten. #phonics #mysterybags #kindergarten #literacy #alphabet #lettersounds #kindergartenactivities

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