Chicka Chicka BOOM BOOM and Alphabet Activities for Kindergarten

Alphabet activities for Kindergarten for letter practice and sounds
My students LOVE practicing letter flashcards...because I have several of these tucked randomly in the pile:
Alphabet activities for Kindergarten
It is so funny to hear how they are rattling off the letters and then all of a sudden they shout out 'BOOM!' What a great way to keep them on task & excited to practice letter recognition. I'm sure the teachers down the hall appreciate it too :)

When we get to the last letter in the pile, we work on that letter for the day. I put it in the pocket chart, then go through flashcards with their names. When they see their name, they take their card and check if they have the letter of the day in their name/not in their name, and put it on the pocket chart in the correct column.
Alphabet activities for Kindergarten
After comparing/contrasting the results we talk about the letter's sound.
Then we sing our letter rap, and dance like nobody's business {here}
Alphabet activities for Kindergarten
Then comes some individual practice with letter recognition and letter sounds:
Alphabet activities for Kindergarten
letter recognition
Alphabet activities for Kindergarten
letter sound

Find the whole alphabet pack {here}
Alphabet activities for Kindergarten

After reading the story
Alphabet activities for Kindergarten
I handed out a magnetic letter to each student. They had to really pay attention for when their letter had to be added to the magnetic board of missing letters
Alphabet activities for Kindergarten
And to cap it all off, a little Mark D. of course!
Alphabet activities for Kindergarten

Alphabet activities for Kindergarten

You can find my Chicka Chicka Boom Boom pack {here}
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom alphabet activities for Kindergarten literacy centers

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