Writing Center Activities and Writing Template Freebies

I have mentioned before how much my kiddos l.o.v.e. to write.
Writing center activities for Kindergarten

In {this post} I shared about writing lists, and how this took the fear out of writing.
Writing center activities for Kindergarten and First Grade- writing lists give students confidence in their writing! Perfect for Daily 5! #writinglists #writing #writingcenter #kindergarten #kindergartenwriting #daily5 #lists #1stgradewriting #1stgrade

Writing center activities for Kindergarten and First Grade- writing lists give students confidence in their writing! Perfect for Daily 5! #writinglists #writing #writingcenter #kindergarten #kindergartenwriting #daily5 #lists #1stgradewriting #1stgrade

We have continued to work our way through this pack:
Lists, Lists, Lists: The Ultimate Word List Set for Your Writing Center
Writing center activities for Kindergarten and First Grade- writing lists give students confidence in their writing! Perfect for Daily 5! #writinglists #writing #writingcenter #kindergarten #kindergartenwriting #daily5 #lists #1stgradewriting #1stgrade

Writing center activities for Kindergarten and First Grade- writing lists give students confidence in their writing! Perfect for Daily 5! #writinglists #writing #writingcenter #kindergarten #kindergartenwriting #daily5 #lists #1stgradewriting #1stgrade
find it {here}

I left several list options available in the Writing Center, and have added some labelling pages.
Writing center activities for Kindergarten
 My students are great at using letter sound clues to figure out which words go in the spaces.
Writing center activities for Kindergarten

Writing center activities for Kindergarten
These labelling pages are from my Winter Fun! pack {here}

My Let's Label! labelling pack has {finally} been posted!
Writing center activities for Kindergarten

 click {here} to check it out

Along with writing lists and labelling pages, we have been doing some sentence writing using our sight words. By using words they know how to read and write, my students are confident in their own writing too!

Here are some samples using the sight words 'I see...'
Writing center activities for Kindergarten

Writing center activities for Kindergarten

Writing center activities for Kindergarten

We keep track of the sight words we've learned in these individual, portable Word Wall books:
Word Wall Books {individual and portable}

Student word booklets for the writing center
Student word booklets for the writing center

You can find them {here}

They also do a great job s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g out the words they don't know!
Lots of letter sound practice is paying off! We make sure to take time to Phonercise daily:
Phonercise {phonics+exercise} letters & letter sound activity
 Phonics + Exercise = Phonercise
FREE Phonercise Chart {phonics+exercise letters & letter sounds activity
Read about how to 'Phonercise' {here}.

We'll be stretching lots of words using my CVC, CCVC, & CVCC words pack:
Work Work activities to practice CVC, CVCC and CCVC words- perfect as a literacy center
Find it {here}
Of course we HAD to use our new spacemen to keep spaces between the words!
Writing center activities for Kindergarten
 These are from Really Good Stuff. The pack includes a class set of small spacemen and one large one to use when modelling writing lessons on a chart. It also includes a spaceman stamp that can be used to correct writing pages, indicating where a space was needed.

Writing center activities for Kindergarten

Writing center activities for Kindergarten
If you'd like a copy of FREE writing pages, just click the link below!
FREE writing pages for the writing center
FREE writing pages

UPDATE 2016: I have created year long writing center packs for Kindergarten and First Grade! Check them out below:
A year of Kindergarten writing centers

 Kindergarten Writing Centers {here}
A year of first grade writing centers

First Grade Writing Centers {here}


  1. Thank you for the freebies! I just found your blog through Pinterest and am in love. :)
    Preschool Wonders"

  2. This is a great post! Thanks for sharing all your wonderful information with us!!! Amber ~ Kindergarten Rocks Blog

  3. This is great post sharing, it is very helpful.
    early childhood teacher australia

  4. Love, love, love the 'spacemen'! I HAD to order them for my kindergarten classroom. Thank you for the tip on the 'Good Stuff' company.
    Mrs. Hewson @ Coastal Christian School


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