Plant Lifecycle Lapbook

Plant Life Cycle lapbook activities for spring K-2
Plant Lapbook activity to teach the life cycle of plants in Kindergarten and First Grade
This plant lifecycle lapbook provides students with a fun way to record their learning about plant growth. Hands on and engaging learning for Kindergarten to Second Grade!
This plant lifecycle lapbook provides students with a fun way to record their learning about plant growth. Hands on and engaging learning for Kindergarten-Second Grade. #plants #plantunit #lapbook #lapbooks #plantgrowth #lifecycles #kindergarten #1stgrade #2ndgrade #science
Students lift the flaps to fill in information about the stages of a plant's life cycle.
This plant lifecycle lapbook provides students with a fun way to record their learning about plant growth. Hands on and engaging learning for Kindergarten-Second Grade. #plants #plantunit #lapbook #lapbooks #plantgrowth #lifecycles #kindergarten #1stgrade #2ndgrade #science
There's space to draw and illustrate!
This plant lifecycle lapbook provides students with a fun way to record their learning about plant growth. Hands on and engaging learning for Kindergarten-Second Grade. #plants #plantunit #lapbook #lapbooks #plantgrowth #lifecycles #kindergarten #1stgrade #2ndgrade #science

This plant lifecycle lapbook provides students with a fun way to record their learning about plant growth. Hands on and engaging learning for Kindergarten-Second Grade. #plants #plantunit #lapbook #lapbooks #plantgrowth #lifecycles #kindergarten #1stgrade #2ndgrade #science
Information is kept in various spots within the folder, in a cohesive arrangement.
This plant lifecycle lapbook provides students with a fun way to record their learning about plant growth. Hands on and engaging learning for Kindergarten-Second Grade. #plants #plantunit #lapbook #lapbooks #plantgrowth #lifecycles #kindergarten #1stgrade #2ndgrade #science
 A full page section allows students to synthesize their learning, in both writing and illustrations.
This plant lifecycle lapbook provides students with a fun way to record their learning about plant growth. Hands on and engaging learning for Kindergarten-Second Grade. #plants #plantunit #lapbook #lapbooks #plantgrowth #lifecycles #kindergarten #1stgrade #2ndgrade #science

This plant lifecycle lapbook provides students with a fun way to record their learning about plant growth. Hands on and engaging learning for Kindergarten-Second Grade. #plants #plantunit #lapbook #lapbooks #plantgrowth #lifecycles #kindergarten #1stgrade #2ndgrade #science


  1. I cant seem to download the lifecycle lapbook....I love this idea.

  2. Hi Lucia, Sorry about that, the link is fixed :)


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