Grandparents' Day Activities for the Classroom

Grandparents Day activities for First Grade and Second Grade in the classroom


Grandparents Day activities for First Grade and Second Grade in the classroom
Students LOVE celebrating their grandparents on Grandparents' Day in the classroom! I'm not sure who enjoys it more, the students or their grandparents! :)

Grandparents Day activities for First Grade and Second Grade in the classroom
It's always a special and memorable visit when grandparents come to the school on Grandparents' Day! Sometimes, as a teacher, I found it difficult to know what activities to do during these classroom visits, so I created this pack of activities that students can do with their grandparents as they visit the classroom.

Grandparents Day activities for First Grade and Second Grade in the classroom
The activities can include the grandparents, but may also be done by just the students on their own, so there is lots of flexibility there. The activities sneak in lots of learning, such as writing, making words, interviewing, and art... but in a fun way!

Grandparents Day activities for First Grade and Second Grade in the classroom
This pack is perfect for kids in Kindergarten, First Grade and Second Grade. Click the link below to find out more!

Grandparents Day activities for First Grade and Second Grade in the classroom

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