Digraphs Activities

 Digraphs activities pack with posters, charts, sorting activities, worksheets, and more for Kindergarten and First Grade


Digraphs activities pack with posters, charts, sorting activities, worksheets, and more for Kindergarten and First Grade
As your students learn to read, they will come across words with digraphs in them...that they can't sound out! It's important to introduce digraphs to students as they are becoming more fluent readers and writers.
Digraphs activities pack with posters, charts, sorting activities, worksheets, and more for Kindergarten and First Grade
The most common digraphs that Kindergarten and First Grade students come across are ch, sh, th, and wh. This set includes lots of engaging activities that will help them learn these digraphs.
Digraphs activities pack with posters, charts, sorting activities, worksheets, and more for Kindergarten and First Grade
The set includes lots of sorting activities, which are great for interactive learning! Students will sort the picture cards into the correct column by digraph. They will also sort the picture cards into the correct column by where the digraph appears in the word -at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the word. 
Digraphs activities pack with posters, charts, sorting activities, worksheets, and more for Kindergarten and First Grade
There are also worksheets to complete, including a cut and paste activity. Plus four handy posters to hang in your classroom to reinforce digraph learning!
Digraphs activities pack with posters, charts, sorting activities, worksheets, and more for Kindergarten and First Grade

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